Purchasing this product you arrange a half of the payment for participation in the Online Eyebrow Cosmetic Tattooing training which commences on the 4-5 of December 2024 on Zoom platform. It won't be a short webinar, it will be a full version of our advanced class in online format for those who want to study with us but can't travel. We offer you 2 days of extensive training – aprox 6 hours a day (Melbourne time) for studying ADVANCE PMU SCIENCE, including Colour theory, Chemistry of Pigments, Anatomical, Bio-chemical and Bio-physical Implications of Cosmetic Tattooing and Pigment Removal and Eyebrow Tattooing.
▫️2 Day Training,
▫️Live Theory,
▫️Live Model Demonstration,
▫️Spark Tattoo Machine,
▫️Spark Power Supply,
▫️3D Brow Architecture and Perfect Sketching Video Training,
▫️Russian Ombre Eyebrows for Men Video Training,
▫️E-Training Materials.
The payment is non-refundable and covers electronic video materials transfered before the training.
On-line distribution.
Apicable for one person only, not tranferable, not permited for reproduction outside Beaushade PMU Academy, for sole use only.
Please carefully complete your details in full including your business name before your payment otherwise we have to refund your transaction and you won't be able to participate our course.
50% Deposit for Advance Eyebrow PMU Course, 2 days
The product is offered only via online distribution. Applicable for one person only, not tranferable, not permited for reproduction outside Beaushade PMU Academy or resale, for sole use only. The product is non-refundable.